Hi, Hello! Welcome to The Broke Book Addict.

My name is Pip, I just turned 21 and I live in the UK.

I have completed my first year studying to be a paramedic, however, I am taking a break to decide if it’s still for me! Working in healthcare is hard, I worked as a Healthcare Assistant (HCA) on a surgical ward at my local hospital during the pandemic, and it was one of the best and hardest experiences of my life. Once I completed uni in May I worked as a Care worker in the community around where I live. I would go into clients’ houses and help them with getting washed, dressed, making food, and keeping the place tidy; it was so rewarding but due to the nature of the job I burnt out. I was working split shifts, starting my morning round at 7am and finishing for my lunch break at 2pm (ish) and then going home before starting my evening round at 4pm (ish) and I could finish as late as 9pm. I would work 9 days of split shifts before having 3 days off and starting again. It was exhausting, mentally, physically, and emotionally, no matter how much I loved the people and the job, there was no way I could keep it up. I was on holiday cover (I was contracted to work when I was home from uni), but there was no way I would be able to keep this up over Christmas while I was supposed to be studying for exams, so I made the hard decision to quit. Sadly due to burnout, I decided against going into my second year of uni and took September and October to myself to regenerate and recuperate. During my time off I started questioning if I wanted to continue working in healthcare as I have lost my passion for it; before thinking about being a paramedic filled me with excitement and joy, but now it fills me with dread and anxiety.

So as I navigated my feelings and decide where I want to go with my life I was offered the opportunity to work with my friend and author Shyanne Taylor (Shy) who is currently writing her debut novel ‘A Fight Against Fate’ which is book one in her adult fantasy series ‘Triumph’. Along with our friend Lexa we have been reading through Shy’s manuscript and starting the editing process to get it ready to publish! This was incredibly exciting as I’m sure you can all agree; as an avid reader, it was so interesting to be on the other side of the process. Also, it’s good, like really good! Greek mythology inspired, with influences of pagan magic and demi gods who rival Percy Jackson (also before you guys all start fantasising, Thomas is mine, hands off ;) Lexa has claimed Hayden, and Shy wants Sebastian).

Anyway, while spending so much time talking to Shy, Lexa and other aspiring authors I bought a couple of my ideas out of the dusty drafts archive, and well most are absolute crap! But… some show some promise! So all I had to do was sit down and start writing right? Wrong, queue intense emotional breakdown and huge panic…

How do you write a book?

How do I start?

Is this idea any good?

What are my characters like?

OMG, why did I do this?!?!?

So I sat back, took a breath, and pondered to myself is there a way to make this easier? Then I scoured Etsy (because I love shopping small!) and although there as things out there, not to the extent I want! So my firstborn was created, The WIP Journal. She started off as a few quick pages which I sent to Lexa and Shy who jumped down my throat saying they needed one now; then I couldn’t go back, because they would badger me (I love you flans, I bow down to you, p.s. badger me for all time) until I was done. After getting to work I had a big brainstorm and had ideas for around 50 pages, character profiles, mood boards, title ideas, cover ideas, the list felt endless. I spent a week slogging away and making these pages as pretty as possible because let’s be real, we’re 1000 times more likely to actually use something if it looks pretty! and once I had made the first 10 pages, I had ideas for 10 more, then I had ideas for 15 more pages and soon I was waking up in the middle of the night with ideas for pages; I had to keep a notebook by my bed so I could write down all my ideas. Once I hit the 160 page mark I was done, well except for the 40 pages for notes obviously.

And now I’m pretty much finished! that’s right I’m basically finished! I’m waiting for a few people to get back to me with information, and permission from certain places to include them in the journal, and then it’s done! Currently, I’m researching the best places to print, as a big environmental enthusiast, I want to use recycled paper and reuse as much packaging as possible! The Journals are going to be A4, 200 pages long, with a hardcover (sadly I’m unable to source foil on the cover at the moment) and wire bound so you can lie them flat and fold them in half, it also makes it easier for those landscape pages! I’m sourcing sticker tabs (they’re cheaper and prettier than the laminated card from printing companies) from a small business on Etsy so you can add them to your journal if you choose.

So yes! Lots is going on! I’m hoping to have a printed proof copy by 18th November (eek!) and then I’ll need to take photos for the site! An Instagram account is pending and you can sign up for my newsletter which I promise I will make this week! and then they’ll be ready (ahhhh!). I’m going to launch with just one colourway, Butterfly (lilac and pink)! I think I will probably open pre-orders for the other colours after Christmas if you guys like this one!

In the future, this page will be dedicated to updates and hopefully a few digital guides to help my fellow authors out!

Anyway, that’s all for now! I hope you guys enjoy the journals and are as excited as I am!

Pip <3